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Calm in the Chaos of COVID-19: Helping the Helpers

Join Division for Early Childhood, in partnership with the Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois, on Monday, May 11th, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM EST for this new webinar, presented by Meg Bracco Liebreich, PT and Dr. Benton Johnson. The webinar recording and handout are now available here.

Most of us have heard the Mr. Rogers' quote about looking for the helpers when things are scary. Right now, with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic causing social distancing and self-quarantining, the world can feel scary and take a toll on all of us. How do we, as 'helpers' so used to caring for others, help ourselves?

This webinar discusses the importance of self-care, especially during stressful times. Simple self-care strategies to manage our own stress levels are shared, along with a tool for honest self-reflection, so that we can be present for those who rely on us at home and at work. The discussion also includes practical strategies for staying connected during social distancing, as well as useful tips for working with families who may be struggling with the unpredictability of the present time and the changes in how a young child's school instruction, ancillary support services and early intervention services are delivered.

Meg Bracco Liebreich, PT, graduated from Marquette University's Program in Physical Therapy in 1984, and chose to start her career in geriatric rehabilitation working with and learning from the elderly. While helping her patients regain their independence, her patients shared with her their wisdom and life experiences. Meg entered the wonderful world of pediatrics (including Early Intervention) in 2000 and loves that she can be creative, have fun and be with little ones of all ages and stages. She believes in following a child's lead to build trust and sense of safety first, engage in activities that bring joy to the child and family and that a family's participation in their child's early intervention services is vital. Meg sees kids in the natural environment through Early Intervention or privately at home, in the community or in a clinic setting. Meg is a children's yoga teacher and may include yoga, breath and mindfulness in her sessions. She is a Professional Development Training Consultant with the Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois.

Dr. Benton Johnson is an international/national presenter who has offered workshops & training in counseling practices in places like Romania, Hungary, Switzerland as well as in many places throughout the United States. He is the CEO of Ephphatha Consulting Services, Inc. which efficiently provides psychotherapy to children, families, couples and groups in Chicago, St. Louis and the Quad Cities. Specializing in early childhood and agency consultation, he has worked on trauma, attachment, poverty and parental mental health challenges. His passion is the Differential Impact Filter concept which focuses on worldwide responsibility in social justice. He currently is a trainer with the Early Intervention Training Program, a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Full Time Faculty at Walden University and he enjoys consulting with agencies/corporations on a variety of topics.

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