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DEC Learning Deck Webinars

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2022 Learning Deck Webinars: Individual or Group Registration

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Teacher and Pupil
Infant Toddler Mental Health and Early Intervention



Would you like to know more about Infant Toddler Mental Health (ITMH) and the DEC IMH community of practice? How does ITMH relate to early intervention services? Join us for a panel discussion (including graduate students enrolled in ITMH programs) and resource sharing materials on Infant Mental Health. 


1. To broaden the awareness of infant toddler mental health and importance in early intervention.
2. To highlight knowledge and skills of graduate students in current programs across disciplines.
3. To share resources and certificate programs nationally for those interested in getting more involved.


This virtual event will be presented as a webinar and available as a podcast after the initial recording. Registrants will receive both the video and audio recordings. 


Presenters: Nancy Goins, MA, CFRM, IMH-E, A-CFHC; Lisa Terry, MS, M.Ed., IMH-E®; Patricia Blasco, PhD - Featuring Student Panelists: Victoria Ramirez Garcia and Heather Peterson-Bruno, Students in the Early Childhood: Inclusive Education Graduate Program at Portland State University 


NANCY GOINS, MA, CFRM, IMH-E®, A-CFHC, is a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at AnLar, LLC and Co-Chair of the DEC CoP Development Committee. She brings her passion for early childhood education to her work at AnLar. She is a skilled facilitator, trainer, technical assistance provider, health and wellness coach, and life-long learner. She has expertise in early childhood education, early intervention, preschool special education, Pyramid Model, Infant Mental Health, inclusion, and communities of practice. She is a co-author of the book ‘Growing Together: Developing and Sustaining a Community of Practice in Early Childhood’.


LISA TERRY, MS, M.Ed., IMH-E®, is an Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant at the Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center at Virginia Commonwealth University, Partnership for People with Disabilities. Lisa provides support for the design and implementation of professional development activities for early intervention providers and administrators in Virginia. Lisa is a certified trainer in the Growing Brain, a ZERO TO THREE curriculum. Lisa is the co-facilitator for the DEC Infant Mental Health Community of Practice and she maintains endorsement in infant mental health as an Infant Family Specialist.


PATRICIA BLASCO, PhD is an adjunct professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the Oregon Health & Science University with a research interest in neurodevelopment in young children born preterm. Dr. Blasco is active in the Division of Early Childhood Leadership. In addition, she teaches coursework in the Infant Toddler Mental Health Graduate Certificate program at Portland State University.

Teacher and Pupil
Speech, Language, and Communication for the Non-verbal Child


Description: This session will provide an overview of speech, language and communication development along with examples of naturalistic strategies, intentional approaches and intensive interventions to promote language and communication in non-verbal young children. There will be a focus on ways to increase communicative opportunities with peers and adults and collaboration across providers with linkages to DEC Recommended Practices. 


Participant Outcomes:

  1. Review the components of speech and language and forms of communication. 

  2. Review key environmental components of communicative opportunities. 

  3. Gain knowledge of naturalistic strategies, intentional approaches, and intensive interventions to facilitate language and communication.



  • Deborah A. Bruns, PhD is Professor and program coordinator for the Special Education program in the School of Education at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She teaches coursework in collaborating with families with children with disabilities as well as early childhood special education assessment and curriculum methods.

Art Class
Increasing High Quality Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood: A Learning Package


Description: The learning package contains 6 topics that explore key ideas about inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood. The package covers a range of topics from defining inclusion to understanding the benefits of advocating for inclusion.
In each module topic, a topic guide is available for reflecting and applying what you learn to your own experience. The learning package also includes additional resources to explore each topic further.


Participant Outcomes:

  1. Participants will be able to define the 3 key features of inclusion

  2. Participants will learn how to promote a growth mindset by using the definition of inclusion from the NAEYC/DEC Joint Position Statement.

  3. Participants will learn about laws, policies, and practices that support inclusion of children with disabilities.

  4. Participants will take away many different resources that can be used in their own early childhood professional settings.



  • Talin Tokat is an Inclusion Specialist for Early CHOICES. Talin has a master’s degree from Erikson Institute in Child Development with a specialization in Children’s Law/Policy. She has worked as an early childhood educator, program director, and therapist, with a focus on increasing inclusive, equitable opportunities for all children. 

  • Tammy Wrobbel is an Inclusion Specialist with Early CHOICES, an initiative of the Illinois State Board of Education. She has a Master of Science degree in Developmental Therapy and Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication. She has over 20 years of experience and also parents two adults who are uniquely abled.

Meeting Room Business
Learning from Each Other: EI/ECSE Research in the Global Context


Description: This webinar session will focus on the implications and issues conducting international/cross-country research. In this session, the presenters will discuss several ethical and methodological issues to consider when conducting research with children with disabilities and their families outside of the US. This learning deck will address DEC recommended practices: TC2; L3, as well as the translation and adaptation guidelines developed by the DEC International Committee.


Participant Outcomes:

  1. Participants will increase knowledge on various EI/ECSE research methodologies conducted outside of the US.

  2. Participants will identify benefits and challenges when conducting international/cross-country research.

  3. Participants will increase knowledge on conducting international research using the community partnered participatory approach.



  • Serra Acar, PhD, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education and Care at the University of Massachusetts Boston

  • James Lee, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Juniper Gardens Children's Project at the University of Kansas 

  • Hsiu-Wen Yang, PhD, Technical Assistance Specialist/Research Investigator at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Ching-I Chen, PhD, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Intervention Focus of Special Education Program at Kent State University


Free Learning Deck

Understanding Implicit Bias and Its Role in Early Learning Environments

Description: Racial inequities have long been present in our educational system. Recently, there has been a growing emphasis on the role of implicit bias in how programs discipline children, implement classroom practices, and establish teacher-child relationships. This session aims to support early childhood professionals in reducing implicit biases and using culturally responsive practices. Specifically, the session will focus on (1) identifying barriers to equity in early childhood environments for children of color (L7; E1); (2) defining implicit bias and its role in perpetuating inequitable practices (L7); (3) describing strategies for identifying and overcoming implicit bias (INS6); and (4) providing specific culturally responsive practices that can be used in early learning environments to promote equitable outcomes for children from culturally diverse backgrounds (E1; INS2; INS6). This session will actively engage participants in learning self-reflection and debiasing strategies, and how to use culturally responsive practices.

After taking part in this session, participants will be able to:
1. Identify barriers to equity in early education, specifically related to the disproportionate number of Black children who are suspended or expelled from programs.
2. Have a basic understanding of implicit bias and its role in early childhood education.
3. Describe specific strategies for identifying and overcoming implicit biases.
4. Describe the components of a culturally responsive teaching practices, including an emphasis on family involvement, how to view child development through a culturally responsive lens, and specific culturally responsive strategies designed to prevent challenging behaviors within early learning environments.

Presenters: Jen Neitzel, PhD, Megan Vinh, PhD, Ebonyse Mead

JENNIFER NEITZEL, PhD, is a Research Scientist at the FPG Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Neitzel’s work is focused on implicit bias, early childhood suspensions and expulsions, and racial equity in early childhood education.


MEGAN VINH, PhD, is the Co-Director of the Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center, a co-PI of the Early Childhood Recommended Practice Modules project (RPM), and the evaluation lead for the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy).


EBONYSE MEAD is the Family Support Program Officer at the Smart Start of North Carolina. In her work, Ms. Mead focuses on implicit bias and its role in early childhood education, particularly related to families and their experiences within early learning environments.

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