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Call for Participants: Early Childhood Survey

Update: Thank you for your interest! This survey is now closed.


Are you providing services remotely or online to young children and their families right now? How is it going? Dr. Elizabeth Steed at the University of Colorado Denver is conducting a study to learn more about how remote services are being provided to young children with and without disabilities and their families. The findings will inform ongoing national efforts to support young children, their families, and the early childhood workforce during program and school closures. The survey is voluntary, confidential, takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and is IRB approved (COMIRB protocol 19-2079). All personnel (e.g., teachers, ECSEs, early interventionists, SLPs, OTs, behavior specialists) who are in remote contact with young children birth through five years of age and their families are invited to share their perspectives.

If you have any questions, please contact the lead researcher: Dr. Elizabeth Steed at

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