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YEC Special Issue: Call for Manuscripts

Rethinking the Order of Things: Models, Practices, and Tools to Move Beyond Existing Taxonomies in Early Childhood (Special) Education

Guest Edited by Chelsea L. Waters and Gregory A. Cheatham

Existing models (e.g., self-contained classrooms, reverse mainstreaming), practices (e.g., initial and ongoing assessment), and tools (e.g., assessment tools) that guide the field of early childhood (special) education are largely rooted in the medical model of disability (cf. Skrtic, 1991, 1995). These models, practices, and tools often perpetuate the identification (e.g., atypical development), categorization (e.g., disability label), and treatment (e.g., educational and social experiences) of difference (e.g., disability) in ways that lead to the stigmatization and othering of those labeled as different (Minow, 1990). To reconceptualize the field of early childhood (special) education in a way that fosters a socially just, democratic society (Dewey, 1916), a Foucauldian perspective may encourage stakeholders to rethink the order of things (Foucault, 1966), in terms of which structures and taxonomies can be embodied in models, practices, and tools within early childhood (special) education.

The purpose of this invited special issue is twofold. First, we aim to challenge professionals, faculty members, and families to critically reflect on existing structures and taxonomies of models, practices, and tools that guide current approaches for supporting young children and their families. Second, we aim to provide stakeholders with rationale for adopting models, practices, and tools to foster the reconceptualization of early childhood (special) education through (a) program administration for inclusive education, (b) the role of the family in program design and implementation, (c) identifying disabling practices that produce and perpetuate difference, and (d) implementing enabling practices that value and embrace difference, premised on broad social goals to foster democratic society. Thus, for this special issue, we encourage the submission of manuscripts that reconceptualize (a) program administration, (b) the role of families, (c) assessment, and (d) instruction.

The target publication date is June 2021.

All manuscripts must follow YEC manuscript submission guidelines. The deadline to submit is April 30th, 2020. Learn about the submission guidelines and submit your paper here.

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