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Child Care & Early Learning COVID-19 Stimulus Request Letter

Division for Early Childhood, in collaboration with non-profit organizations nation-wide, has signed on to a letter to members of congress highlighting the specific needs of child care and early learning programs operating in all states and across all settings as related to the spread of COVID-19. Read the letter here.

Related Resources

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is recommended as the primary source of information. The CDC information on the virus can be found here.

The Education Department has a webpage for schools, child care, and colleges which will be regularly updated and include the most current information on COVID-19. It will also link to CDC information. The Department has also asked for questions to be directed to The webpage is here.

The Office of Head Start (OHS) within the HHS has issued guidance to assist grantees in responding the virus to protect staff and children. The guidance recommends collaboration and coordination with local health departments and use of the CDC website for obtaining current information and interim guidance to help administrators of public and private child care programs and K–12 schools. Additional links to guidance are available here.

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