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Call for Strand Chairs and Reviewers for DEC 2020 Conference Proposals

Conference proposal review season is here! DEC is looking for members to serve as conference proposal Strand Chairs and Reviewers.

How to Sign-up as a Strand Chair or Reviewer

Your input helps assure this year's conference content meets the high-quality standards that participants have come to expect from the DEC Annual Conference! This means we need dedicated DEC members, like YOU, to score and rank the proposals we receive this year.

To sign up, simply complete the form below by January 31st.

To participate in the review process, you must be a current DEC member.

You can also join or renew your membership over the phone at 1-888-232-7733.

Overview of the Proposal Review Process

Strand Reviewers use the DEC Session Rubric to score proposals. Each proposal will be scored by two reviewers. The scores are then averaged.

Strand Chairs oversee the process for their strand; making sure the reviewers are on track to finish by the deadline. If needed, they may complete unfinished reviews. The Strand Chairs will view the proposals that are above a specified cut-score. The proposals will then be ranked based on the reviewer scores.

Conference Co-Chairs make the final decision to accept or decline a session.


*Be sure to add Division for Early Childhood to your CEC membership.

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