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Two Important Dates! - "Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs" Webinar Series Kickoff

1. Thursday, February 11th, 3:00 pm, EST Google Hangout Discussion

The U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services invite you to join them via Google Hangout for a discussion about inclusion in early childhood programs and why it matters to states, early childhood programs, families, and young children with and without disabilities. The discussion kicks off a series of webinars on the research, practice, and public awareness of inclusion in early childhood programs, to be held over the next several months.

Click here to view the event. [We recommend you use your most up-to-date browser for viewing]

If you have questions for speakers prior to the event, please post them on twitter at #inclusiongov, or email

2. Thursday, February 18th, 3:00 - 4:00 pm EST National Inclusion Webinar | "Preschool Inclusion: What's the Evidence, What Gets in the Way, and What do High-Quality Programs Look Like?" This webinar will focus on:

1. an overview of the 40 years of research supporting early childhood inclusion, 2. a review of myths surrounding the children,adults and systems that support inclusion, and; 3. a review of common features across the inclusion models that have produced the most powerful outcomes.

Webinar hosted by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. If you miss the live event, we'll make a recording available afterward.

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